Usage Tips

In this section you can find some tips on how to make the best of the SW/SWE and MW designs.

SW & SWE tips

The Slim Wallet and Slim Wallet Elastic designs consist of 4 pockets that can hold up to 10 cards and a slot for unfolded notes.

There are two pockets on the front. The left one holds up to 2 cards and the right one up to 3 cards (see picture below).

minimum squared Slim Wallet Elastic front pockets

There are two pockets on the rear. One of them fits up to 2 cards and the other one up to 3.

minimum squared Slim Wallet Elastic cards & slot for notes

In the picture above these two rear pockets and also the slot for currency can be seen. 

It can hold some of the biggest notes currently in use, like the 50 British Pounds (156x85mm) or the 500Euro note (160x82mm).

When you receive your wallet there’s a card indicating the maximum amount of cards that each pocket can hold.

If you have any doubt about the fit of currency in your country do not hesitate to contact us.

Quick opening by pulling the tab (see video)


MW Tip

Below a short video on how to insert the notes to keep volume at the minimum on the Mininalist Wallet design:

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